
Thursday, August 20, 2009 Edit This 1 Comment »
This entry is to share my experience after consuming herbalife for 3 weeks...so far, i am really satisfied with the products eventhough i had spent some amount of money...(not as expensive as visiting slimming centre).

Before taking the product, i weigh 50.8kg...after 2 weeks, i lose 700gm..not only losing weight but also the fat around the tummy, i gain the muscle index and reduce my inner age...

How Does It Work?

If you’ve tried to lose weight before and failed, take heart. Herbalife’s science-based ShapeWorks™ Program combines Cellular Nutrition and the power of protein so you can manage your hunger, maintain a healthy metabolism and feel energised as you lose those unwanted kilos.

The ShapeWorks™ Program is simple, easy-to-follow and delicious, offering you everything you need for lasting weight-loss success.

Formula 1 Nutritious Mixed Soy Powder

Provides essential vitamins and nutrients.

An advanced meal-replacement shake packed with protein and essential nutrients.

  • Includes 19 vitamins and minerals.
  • 9 grams of soy protein and 18 grams when mixed with milk or soy milk per serving plus fibre to help keep you full and satisfied.
  • Can help you lose, gain or maintain weight.*
  • Available in five flavours

  • Formula 3 Blended Soy & Whey Protein Powder

    Protein supplement helps fight hunger.

    A convenient, fat-free protein supplement for hunger control and healthy weight management.

  • A proprietary blend of soy and whey proteins.
  • Mixes easily into shakes, soups and sauces.
  • Helps build and maintain lean muscle mass.

  • ShapeWorks™ Tea Mix

    For vitality and weight management.

    This delicious, low-calorie instant tea mix helps you stay energised and refreshed while you manage your weight.

  • includes antioxidant and thermogenic green tea.

  • * source taken from : www.herbalifeww.com

    So, you can lose weight without feeling hungry...at d same time you can control ur appetite...if u suffer of eczema or asthma..this nutritious food can help....


    Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Edit This 3 Comments »

    This entry is to fulfill suzie's request. She insisted me to write bout shoes. What can i say bout it? i juz love shoes sooooo much...especially high heels...it makes me tall coz i'm short. It gives me confidence when i walk...it makes me sexy if wear it with jeans..even my hubby said so...he keeps asking me to wear high heels during our outing..but sometimes it is difficult if we go out with our kids. But again last Sunday he brought this matter up when i was trying the shoes at a mall (which finally i bought it n wear it immediatel: shoes on left...hehe)

    Actually i didn't plan to buy any shoes this soon coz i plan to go shopping at the end of this month. But when i saw Sembonia shoes at 50% discount, i thoght that is not something to be missed by a shoe lover like me....what more it is nice (in my eyes) n comfy...so, i just grab it al less than rm80. Worth it right...n when i wear it, my hubby smiled n said, " u look tall and sexy"..mmmmmmmm....

    The second pic : i bought at Avenue K when Nine West had it warehouse sale. Actually, i saw this shoes in one of my fav magazines early last year with its actual price rm399...which i won't splurge my money just like that for a pair of shoes..even i am a shoe lover..i have to be realistic...so, in december, when i came accross the adv. in the star, i quickly told my hubby that i wanted to go there...n i was lucky coz at that tie, my sil was in KL n she stayed in a hotel next to Avenue K...so, i had the chance to there and finally, i got this shoes at only rm152...WOW....but i didn't have the chance to wear it until after i gave birth (beli kasut time pregnant coz nk sgt kasut tuh...huhu).

    Now, i'm looking forward to buy more shoes at the end of this month or maybe this year end sale...hehe...hubby aku geleng kepala je...

    tag by bonde

    Saturday, July 25, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »

    Apakah perasaan anda?
    masa ni xde perasaan

    Saya nak makan....
    1. Sushi
    2. tiramisu

    Saya tak suka...
    org wat keje x sistematik org yg slow...lembab

    Impian saya...
    berjaya dalam hidup dunia akhirat

    Haiwan yang saya tak suka...
    reptilia n serangga

    Harapan saya...
    Dapat menjadi pengetua...hehe..berangan.

    Jika masa boleh berputar...
    Saya nk belajar rajin2..xnak jd cgu...nak jd akauntan

    Hp saya adalah...

    Sony Ericsson c902 warna merah...(hp james bond)

    Saya pernah bercinta sebanyak...
    beberapa kali termasuk seorang yg sakit MENTAL

    Saya suka pada...


    Kawan2 saya ada...
    x ramai tp berkualiti....

    Pernah dikhianati?

    Apa yang anda mahu lakukan kepada orang yang khianati anda?
    What u do u get back

    My New Routine

    Saturday, July 25, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
    Dah hampir 3 mgu aku kembali bertugas...at first i hesitated to leave my newborn at d nursery, but i have to...my new routine is not as pack as nurul coz i dont have to drive that far to my work place n there is no terrible jam...but my puch card for this week were all red...not my fault...it's because hariz's kindergarten is opened at 7.30...but i heve told his teacher that i need to send him early.

    How do i start my day after having 2nd child? I wake up at 6am (used to wake up at 6.30), wash n sterile d bottles(hariz's n harraz's bottle)...i dont let my maid do it coz i doubt her hygiene n im tired of giving d same instructions everyday...sounds fussy huh? well....

    Then, i'll b in d bathroom for 15minutes..at 6.30, i'll dress up n make up...6.50, i'llwake hariz up n get him ready to school..thank god that now he no longer wearing diaper, so he can dress by himself. By 7.15 i drive hariz to his school...

    my school session ends at 2.30pm...i will rush home n quickly clean myself n i will fetch harraz...(nursery depan umah je) i'll make sure i'll take him home before 3.15...if i have to go to school for meeting, xtra class etc..i'll leave him with my mom...n at 5 i will fetch hariz...sumtimes a bit late if i have sumthing to do in school...

    not so tiring...but still tired...however, i'm enjoying it...n i'm very lucky coz harraz is easy to take care...

    so..that my new routine...

    p/s: masa aku type blog ni, harraz baru kebah demam...:(


    Sunday, June 21, 2009 Edit This 1 Comment »
    Aduhai..suzie ni rajin tul tag men'tag' orang...hehe....saip remind suh jawab....ini jawapan nye madam suzie....hehe....


    1. 1 of my best fren since matrix until now...
    2. she's nice n 'fragile' (kontra dgn aku..huhu...)
    3. dah berubah dr terlalu naive (dulu) kpd fashionable n trendy
    4. suka duduk cam katak le baca mag...hehe...cute sgt...
    5. ada patung pink panther kat katil masa kt u dulu....


    1. kepala angin even on small matter (bila la boleh berubah?)
    2. suka shopping
    3. addicted to coffee...can't start my day without it
    4. hidup pjj dgn hubby tpanak dah 2...hehe
    5. fussy about cleanliness

    so, madam suzie, pls give 5 facts bout me....hihihi

    Menu pantang

    Thursday, May 14, 2009 Edit This 2 Comments »
    Lupa nak upload dalamn3 sebelum ni...
    pati ikan haruan....setiap hari sebotol
    sup ikan dan halia...(xle setiap hari sup, ada hari ikan goreng halia)

    nasi yang ditabur bawang putih goreng n halia goreng....

    Jadual dan Menu Berpantang...

    Thursday, May 14, 2009 Edit This 3 Comments »
    oleh sebab mak aku kena jaga ayah aku yang sakit, aku amik confinement lady...(makcik yang jaga orang berpantang) Makcik ni hebat sebab dia selalu jaga orang berpantang kat KL dan dia selalu g umah all d big shots...jaga anak2 dato'2 bepantang termasuklah anak saudara Tun Mahathir...dan dia memeng biasa jaga orang yang bersalin ceasarean...dia kata biasanya anak2 dato' ni ikut cakap dia dalam masaberpantang...xmacam anak2 orang biasa yang degil n pandai lebih..so, aku pun ikutlah amalan dan nasihat dia..alhamdulillah...after12 days i 'm feeling better n energetic...bayarannya sehari rm100..tapi, semua dia wat.... dia bangun seawal jam lima pagi jerang air mandi aku n baby...sedap n segar bile mandi air daun2 kayu..wangi..cam g sauna...dia mandikan bayi masak makanan untuk aku dll....jadual berpantang aku agak padat sampai tgh hari...:
    7.00 pg : bangun tidur n sarapan
    7.30 pg : makcik mandi dan siapkan hariz utk ke sekolah
    8.00 pg : makcik mandikan baby dan siapkan baby
    8.30 pg : makcik mandikan aku
    9.30-10.30 pg : beurut (bestnyer)
    10.30-11.00 pg : aku minum pagi smentara makcik panaskan tungku
    11.00-12.30 tghari : bertungku
    1.00 tgh hari : makan tgh hari
    3.00 ptg : tdo
    4.30 ptg : minum ptg smentara makcik mandikan dan siapkan baby
    5.15-6.45 ptg : bertungku lagi
    8.00 mlm : makan malam
    itulah jadual berpantang aku..lebih teratur dgn adanya makcik bedah ni...dulu..ikut sempat je...

    Harraz Alfi bin Hasrul Nizam

    Wednesday, May 13, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
    Nama:Harraz Alfi bin Hasrul Nizam
    Lahir: Isnin - 4 May 2009 - 10.11am - Kedah Medical Centre
    Berat: 2.55kg

    X rela kepalaku dibotakkan....
    Pada hari akikah dan cukur rambut...tapi xde wat majlis cam hariz dulu...

    sepetnye mata dia...

    best nye tdo....zzzzzzz

    tdo lagi.......

    Journal of Delivering My Second Baby...

    Monday, May 11, 2009 Edit This 0 Comments »
    Few Days Before......


    Julie came to my house and spent 2 nights here...so i took him out to laksa stall that she likes so much...and...i took the chance to eat bihun sup and cendol pulut...hahaha....


    i finished packing my baby bag n my hospital bag. i had to pack for me my hubby and baby...all for 4 days n 3 nights stay at the ward...i ate everything that i could eat..hahaaa


    yeah...this afternoon i will be admitted to the ward...huhuu...so, around 2.30 pm, my hubby n i went to kedah medical centre...leaving hariz with chik sue...he cried so loud coz he wanted to follow me...but we had to leave him....sian dia....

    we arrived at kmc at nearly 4pm and i went straigth to d admission counter as i was already given d admission date. Unfortunately, there's no single bedded room that day...so, i was placed at 4 bedded room. At d beginning, there were only 2 patients including me. Few minutes after that, i was visited by a doctor..he greeted me warmly n he told me what's goin to happen d next day...he said that i will be taken to OT in d morning n i will b given half anaesthetic at my spine...me n my hubby were wondering; who was he?he's so friendly... he's definitely not my gynea...(d nurse told me that he's d anaesthetician)

    terrible thing happened after 9pm when another patient who juz delivered a baby was admitted next to my bed...she was accompanied by so many people and they kept making noise until 11pm and the worst thing was when she woke up at 5am and started chatting with her mom...OMG!!!! i couldn't sleep eventhough i was given sleeping pill!!!

    back to my story...that nite my hubby fulfilled my last request before d operation...i asked him to buy me filet o'fish n apple pie...despite of the noise, my hubby n i enjoyed our burger (we closed d curtain so tat no one could see us) haha...but pity him when he had to sleep somewhere alse coz he can't be in d female ward after 11pm. (he told me that he slept on d sofa next to icu)


    at 9.40am, i was waken up from my dream...i couldn't remember how many nurses came...but they asked me to change d clothes and get ready to be taken to d OT. They asked me to lie down on d stretcher/troly...(ntah nak panggil ape) hmm...seram gak bile disorong dalam keadaan terbaring camtu...nampak lampu2 n dibawak masuk dalam lif...huhu...

    sampai kat OT aku dialih ke stretcher yang lain dan disorong ke ruangan menunggu...i waited for my turn for nearly 10 minutes before they took me to d OT...while i was waiting, there's a nurse came n she rubbed my hands saying that there's nothing to worry n nothig to be afraid of coz the operation won't be long...i felt a bit relief eventhough i'm a bit nervous...


    aku disorong ke bilik operation....jeng..jeng..jeng...

    ada anaesthetician yng aku jumpa kelmarin n my gynea n 5/6 org nurse...so...bermulalah segala proses yang perlu sebelum perut aku ditoreh...then, my hubby masuk n dia bersama aku sehingga baby dikeluarkan dari perut aku(10.11am)...setelah baby dibersihkan, hubby aku disuruh keluar....lebih kurang sejam (11.00am) semuanya selesai...dan aku di bawa balik ke ward n alhamdulillah, kul 3 ptg aku dipindahkan ke single bedded room..aman.....

    aku kena baring dalam keadaan flat selama 24 jam n xleh makan n minum..juz a few sip of water...huhu...kesan ubat bius dan ubat2 lain yg diberikan, aku jad mengantuk sangat...aku jaga kejap, n pastu aku tdo balik...3 hari aku kat ward...setiap 3/4 jam, keadaan aku dimonitor...badan aku dibersihkan dll...

    apa lagi nak cite? apa yg berlaku dalam OT? nantilah...nampak je seram..tapi lau boleh in d future, i'd prefer to opt for ceasar...