Thursday, November 13, 2008 Edit This 4 Comments »it has been a while since i last updated my is d last school day n i've nothing to do...i've done with my pmr marking which was quite a hectic...not because of the marking...but i was not really well for a week...if not definitely i could finish my marking exactly on d due date...but now everything is over...before i elaborate bout the topic ATTITUDE...i would like to take this opportunity to thank all my frens who wished me happy birthday and to those who gave n sent me presents...TQ very much...your kind thot is really appreciated...
back to ATTITUDE...what do i wanna say bout that? i juz wanna talk bout teacher's we know, a teacher should be a noble person or...the role model...or someone who has good values in his/herself...what good values? not only from what they wear, but also on how they do their work...if a teacher can't do his/her work properly/perfectly, how do we expect our students to do their work perfectly as well...teacher's duty is not only teach n give knowledge, but also to educate students if teachers themselves do their work miserably?
here i'm referring to my marking teammates...not all of em have this miserable attitude..but even though it's only a few, but it effects some else and also their credibility...what i could see, these teachers marked d important paper clumsily...transfer the marks carelessly...fill up the form without checking d details...and lots more carelessness...maybe they are taking advantage because d group leader is a nice person...i'm not saying that i did my work 100% perfect, but i tried my best to minimize my mistakes...because i'm afraid that i'm putting other people's future in a wrong place n i'm afraid tat the money tat i will get won't be blessed...maybe some of them take up marking juz for money...but...i u r truly muslim, if u do sumthing for money, do it properly...a single cent tat u get is counted...
y do i said this? there's 1 teacher who prouldy told me tat she managed to finish her marking an everything on time even though she has 3 children..(coz i couldn't finish mine with only 1 child)..n she was rushing to invigilate d exam...marking n invigilating national exam give u money rite? (that's y i think she does that for money...) when she was away to invigilate, 1 of my teammates found that she did a lot of mistakes in her work...(maybe she rushed to finish her work quickly).
so, what's my problem now? k, another story...during d last slot of d meeting, sum of my teammates were looking at my photo gallery in my handphone to look at my son's photo n accidently they saw my photo without my headscarf...n that teacher's eyes was so big n she asked where was i at tat time? i said tats my family outing n it's not in perlis...from d way she glanced at me, i'm sure that sumthing negative was in her mind...but she deserves no right to give me tat kind of glance coz she's not a prefect person to do that...i hope u get what i mean...being a truly muslim does not only in ur appearance...but it should cover me, she had risked people's future by transfering mark wrongly (isn't tat a sin?), she had troubled my group leader who is so kind (isn't tat cruel?) n i've no rite to say bout d money tat she'll b getting...
to those who r teachers n those who want to be teachers...don't b typical teacher who like to judge people by their appearance...before u judge someone else, make sure u urself can do ur work properly...
we teachers always say tat our profession is not highclass , but do we realize that we ourselves tat make it low class? think bout it...this is only bout attitude of teachers...actually teachers nowdays are lacking in so many things...especially be continued.......
back to ATTITUDE...what do i wanna say bout that? i juz wanna talk bout teacher's we know, a teacher should be a noble person or...the role model...or someone who has good values in his/herself...what good values? not only from what they wear, but also on how they do their work...if a teacher can't do his/her work properly/perfectly, how do we expect our students to do their work perfectly as well...teacher's duty is not only teach n give knowledge, but also to educate students if teachers themselves do their work miserably?
here i'm referring to my marking teammates...not all of em have this miserable attitude..but even though it's only a few, but it effects some else and also their credibility...what i could see, these teachers marked d important paper clumsily...transfer the marks carelessly...fill up the form without checking d details...and lots more carelessness...maybe they are taking advantage because d group leader is a nice person...i'm not saying that i did my work 100% perfect, but i tried my best to minimize my mistakes...because i'm afraid that i'm putting other people's future in a wrong place n i'm afraid tat the money tat i will get won't be blessed...maybe some of them take up marking juz for money...but...i u r truly muslim, if u do sumthing for money, do it properly...a single cent tat u get is counted...
y do i said this? there's 1 teacher who prouldy told me tat she managed to finish her marking an everything on time even though she has 3 children..(coz i couldn't finish mine with only 1 child)..n she was rushing to invigilate d exam...marking n invigilating national exam give u money rite? (that's y i think she does that for money...) when she was away to invigilate, 1 of my teammates found that she did a lot of mistakes in her work...(maybe she rushed to finish her work quickly).
so, what's my problem now? k, another story...during d last slot of d meeting, sum of my teammates were looking at my photo gallery in my handphone to look at my son's photo n accidently they saw my photo without my headscarf...n that teacher's eyes was so big n she asked where was i at tat time? i said tats my family outing n it's not in perlis...from d way she glanced at me, i'm sure that sumthing negative was in her mind...but she deserves no right to give me tat kind of glance coz she's not a prefect person to do that...i hope u get what i mean...being a truly muslim does not only in ur appearance...but it should cover me, she had risked people's future by transfering mark wrongly (isn't tat a sin?), she had troubled my group leader who is so kind (isn't tat cruel?) n i've no rite to say bout d money tat she'll b getting...
to those who r teachers n those who want to be teachers...don't b typical teacher who like to judge people by their appearance...before u judge someone else, make sure u urself can do ur work properly...
we teachers always say tat our profession is not highclass , but do we realize that we ourselves tat make it low class? think bout it...this is only bout attitude of teachers...actually teachers nowdays are lacking in so many things...especially be continued.......
wowww weee!hemm nothing to's a good insight indeed.cian dorg ek...
wah...ini dah sgt!!! hehehehe..sabar anis sabirah abdullah..aku baca blog ko aku dapat rasa tahap marah ko hehehe...
hehehe...biase la...dh name manusia....
sbb tu aku xsuka kwn ngan ckgu2 yg konon baik, tutup segala tp mulut cm longkang n hati sgt busuk...
mmg tahap guru skang dh menurun....lau kita je jaga tp yg lain wat xtau je sampai ble2 la org pandang cikgu ni sebelah mata...
free hair ke pakai tudung ke bukan mencerminkan individu seseorang...
tp cara kita menjaga hak dan juga adab dlm situasi yg kita lalui..
ramai org yg konon alim igt yg haram tu hanya pada pakaian yg banyak lagi benda haram yg kita sedar...masuk kelas lewat tanpa alasan, halalkah gaji yg dapat? g outsatation dgn bas tp claim kereta..halal ke? rezeki walau sebesar kuman pun yg haram masuk dalam badan tetap menghitamkan hati...apalagi bg anak2 makan...sian anak2... dengki dgn rakan sekerja dan bodek bos untuk kepentingan diri sendiri...nak ngaja kelas pandai2 je..noble ke?
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