fulfilling suzie's request vol.2

Wednesday, October 08, 2008 Edit This 0 Comments »
My top 10 most favourite food:(i am really fussy bout food...if u ask me d food that i don't like, memang banyak)
1. western n italian food (pizza, spaghetti, lamb chop, steak, etc)
2. malay food yg pedas (sambal tumis my mom, masak lemak cili api, masak
berlada etc)
3. sushi
4. choc cake
5. tempe
6. roti canai, boom, naan
7. yong tau foo
8. ikan bakar tanjung lumpur
9. puding roti+sos susu
10. dunkin donut

10 things I love to do:
1. shopping
2. travelling
3. reading magazines
4. experimenting new recipes (pie, tart, cake)
5. blogging
6. tidying up my room,wardrobe
7. surfing internet
8. collecting handbags
9. chatting with my good frens

5 types of guy I Adore:
1. understanding
2. knowledgable
3. not possessive
4. faithful (hard to find this type of malay man..lau bini mati sure kawin lain)
5. responsible

5 things I love doing when Im happy:
1. shopping
2. eating
3. travelling
4. do my own manicure
5. ?

How to win my heart?
Nothing much can be said bout this. Juz b with me through thick n thin, always give me courage when i'm down n always pray for my happiness...no material request.
5 things I wish it could be:
1. Healthy
2. Happy
3. Have lots of money
4. Have higher paid job
5. a bit taller...(xdela org igt budak sekolah :( )
My recently most addicted song:
Mostly indonesian songs n some english songs...nothing specific