Wednesday, October 18, 2006 Edit This 0 Comments »

Happy Birthday to My Hubby

I'm not sure you want me
to give you a poem like this
for your birthday --
a poem which says I need
to bury myself in the center of your heart
and swim there like a mermaid.

I pretend to do ordinary things like
birthday cards
but all the cells in my body are
in revolt because
you're not here with me
even when I open the dishwasher
or the blind
my body is aching because I'm not bending for you
and my skin shouts angrily to the angels
because your hands are not touching me

I am completely crazy
crazy for you
and because it's your birthday
I try to fold my love
in half to go in an envelope
like an ordinary 'love from'
but I may as well fold the sky
which for me
is held aloft
only by your kisses.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006 Edit This 0 Comments »

Today's message is specially dedicated to my dearest hubby on his 26th birthday....
My Gift To You

I have this gift for you today
It’s not very big at all
But it’s given with love and filled with kisses
From the biggest right down to the small
Each kiss is soft and tender
Each kiss for you my love
Each kiss to bring you smiles and joy
As each day we walk in love
Each one is for precious moments
Each joy that we can share
And when you’re feeling all alone
You will know I’ll always care
There is no mountain you can’t climb
No challenge that will cause defeat
I’m so glad we got to know each other
And will one day finally get to meet
So to you my dear one…this is given in love
From the bottom of my heart
And I hope we continue this journey of ours
For my love will never depart!
seperti nafas yang kehela, kau selalu ada.....
i love you with every beat of my heart......
God gives u another year so that i can share my love with u.....

aidilfitri datang lagi....

Wednesday, October 11, 2006 Edit This 0 Comments »

diam x diam dah 19 hari kita berpuasa...maknanya raya xsampai lagi dua minggu...dalam sibuk2 bekerja, x terasa masa yang berlalu...tapi sibuk2 pun, sempat gak buat 2 jenis kuih....this weekend nak buat lagi dua jenis and next weekend satu jenis lagi....kuih yang paling malas aku nak buat tu lah yang paling ramai orang kat umah suka makan....pineapple tart...leceh tu nak wat..tapi demi insan2 tsayang (mak,kaksue,hubby) akan ku gagahi jua...arkh...yarkh...hehehe...
tahun ni aku beraya kat umah in laws kat kuantan...pas2 balik kampung kat maran & bentong...lepas kawin, tiba2 je aku ada 3 tuh...apalagi tahun ni beraya dengan sikecil...baju raya sume dah siap, baju raya hariz lah yang aku beli awal2...siap beli baju melayu lagi...mujur ada saiz yang kecil...xsabar nak tgk dia pakai baju comel2 tuh...nanti blhlah penuhkan blog ni dgn gamba2 raya hariz...tahun theme kaler green...hariz dgn ayah dia lighter green...yang lain2 tu ada kaler purple, merah n biru...banyak baju sbb banyak kampung nak pegi...hariz xtau apa2 lagi pasal raya..mummy dengan ayah dia je yang excited lebih...hehehe...
so, sempena hari raya yang bakal menjelma, aku inigin memohon bebanyak maaf dari kawan2 sume...tahun ni malas nak hantar kad raya, email+mms je blh kan...? asalkan korang sume x luput dari ingatan....SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI...MAAF ZAHIR BATIN BUAT SEMUA BEST FRENS KU....nurul, bonde,julie, suzie, ina g.....miss u all

al kisah best frens and sepasang kasut....

Saturday, October 07, 2006 Edit This 2 Comments »
(apakah erti sepasang kasut? apakah gunanya sepasang kasut? adakah kerana sepasang kasut membolehkan kita mendapat best fren? atau sepasang kasut itu untuk dipaki oleh sepasang kaki dan memberikan kita keyakinan semasa berjalan? atau...adakah sepasang kasut yang bertumit tinggi itu membuatkan seorang guru itu tidak terlalu pendek di kalangan pelajarnya yang sedang membesar? to me.... a pair of shoes is to boost myself confidence while walking...and a pair of high heel shoes will make me more confident standing in the classroom among my students...why...? i think most of my frens...or best frens know why i need high heel shoes....sometimes i feel like i want to wear the most weirdest (i know there's no such word) shoes to work because....i change shoes almost everyday to work...and most of my shoes are with 3 inches heels...and there are people whom i call jakun who will look at my feet as if i have 20 toes on each foot...and like nurul said...those who are jakun are the young teachers...not the old ones...but none of them are english teachers because most of the english teachers in my school graduated from overseas and the local ones are understanding and modern....biasala kan...english teachers...even my new pk is also and english teacher...she was transfered from sas...most of the times she wears high heel+shawl to school and she is 50 years old...great huh!!! and surprisingly...since i started working, i have a special fashion consultant which is my own MOM! most of my best frens know that my mom is already 64 years old....but she keep asking me to buy high heel shoes...even my 64 years old mom is not as jakun as the young people who always stare at me...she keeps telling me..." used to wear this"..."i used to wear that..." how modern she is? hmmm...i think that enuff to talk about uncivilezed people around us....
best frens....nak kena declare ke? macam george bush nak declare perang je...macam thailand nak declare pertukaran kuasa je...hehehe....well...sepasang kasut xleh memberi seorang best fren...apalagi 3/4/5 best frens....keakraban itu dtg dgn sendiri bila kita memahami, mengambil berat, berkongsi susah dan senang bersama rakan kita...xperlu nak declare...pas declare tu nak watpe? nak announce dalam paper ke? "SEPASANG SAHABAT DIISYTIHAR RAKAN KARIB" (headline KOSMO) hahahaha...pelik tul bunyi nya.....dalam hidup aku, aku ada beberapa orang kawan yang setakat hari ini x pernah lupakan aku...walaupun berjauhan dan berada di seluruh negara, namun, sume mereka x pernah putus hubungan dengan aku..malah ada yang sanggup bekorban tenaga wang ringgit semata2 kerana aku....dari jauh dan dalam keadaan sarat datang ke majlis pertunangan aku (thanks nurul) dari jauh jugak dan juga tengah sarat datang ke majlis kawin aku..(thanks bonde) x dapat datangg, dari jauh aku terima kiriman hadiah...(bagi yang x dapat datang aku tau...jarak dan masa yang jd penghalang...bukan kerana korang x ingat..tapi tetap aku terima ucapan..thanks julie+ina g....) kalau nak sebut..terlalu banyak pengorbanan dan kegembiraan yang telah kita kongsikan bersama....inilah yang di namakan best frens...x perlu comes naturally....x perlu sentiasa bersama, x perlu di depan mata...dengan kecanggihan zaman sekarang, seorang kawan x perlu kawan nya ada di depan mata untuk berkongsi kegembiraan dan all my frens...i miss u all so much...and i love u...hope our strong friendship remains forever and ever......

gambar basi lagi....

Sunday, October 01, 2006 Edit This 1 Comment »

tadi nak masuk kelas, tapi budak ada post mortem, jadi xdela kelas pagi ni dgn bdk, bagi memenuhi hasrat julie, nilah gamba sanding aku kat kuantan...mmm...pasni aku nak tgk gamba ko lak ek...moga2 cepat naik pelamin and cepat jadi mummy...miss u.....

Terkenang masa lalu....

Sunday, October 01, 2006 Edit This 0 Comments »
i've just arrived my school...i was listening to while driving this morning...there was an advertisement on "makan-makan ramadan".....i remembered all the happy moments i had with all my frens during fasting month....especially frens umah kodak.....datang je time berbuka, sume tamak...macam-macam nak makan...sanggup jalan g pasar ramadan semata-mata nak beli popia pedas...hehe....paling best time berbuka kat luar...kul 6 dah line up nak beli makanan...selalunya kite berbuka kat food court mines la...hehehe...paling kelakar teh last puasa together...g makan kfc...pas makan nak bergambar...kita kan suka bergambar....elok je flash camera menyala, BOOMMM!!! sume terkejut...akula paling kuat jerit....hehehe....rupa-rupanya, ada orang main mercun... tapi kita tetap maintain posing...hehe...tiap kali tgk gamba tu sure tergelak sorang2....that was our last bukak puasa kat luar...

hmmm...bila lagi dapat buka puasa sama-camtu? but if we have that chance, it will be in different situation...yeah...most of us are mothers now...hope that one day we'll have the chance...tapi meja kena besar lah...xpun kena prepare meja untuk budak2...or...we ask the fathers to take care of them while we're gossipping...haha...chow...need to prepare for class..