Thursday, July 17, 2008 Edit This 2 Comments »
Ha..inilah gambar pas dapat apc..sebenarnya ada 5 cgu, sorang dah balik n sorang lagi x dapat dtg coz ada course...yang kat tgh tu paling muda antara kami ber5..baru 27...tp anak dah dua..haha..sekarang aku setaraf a dgn nurul..diiktiraf oleh kpm...hehe..the hard work is paid...mula2 terkejut gak sebab aku baru nak masuk 5 tahun kerja..banyak lg yang lebih senior..tp, admin dah agree agaknya that i'm one of the best las year, that's y i got it...what i wanna do with that 1k?...hehe..tungguuu...

ada yang kata dapat nak dapat apc kena rajin bodek...that's not true...n that'snot me...i'm not that type..what i practise are, do what u r supposed to do, ask others if u do not know, always refer to seniors and respect others...but..everything must be a limit...jangan membuta tuli wat keje n ikut je apa yang orang suruh...that's not smart..that is stupid...work smart n u should know where sometimes u should 'twist' a bit...

but now i'm a bit rebellious...y? i'm just sick of being told to do other people's work...doing d same thing for almost every event...macam dh xde orang lain...walau apa pun...aku tetap aku yang berpegang kepada prinsip hidup yang "BUAT BAIK JANGAN SAMPAI ORANG PIJAK KEPALA"...that's me...i'm sorry nurul..i still hold to that coz i'm not the type of person who will keep everything in my heart n cry n make others happy...i'm still the individulaistic anis, the selfish anis, the laser anis...still the same...but..a bit careful in letting my mouth blow...

kat bawah ni band yang perfor masa apc..budak2 sek rupanya..matured gle beb...


Suzie said...

congrats...btl tu,don't change urself bcoz of other people.peganglah pd apa yg ko percaya selagi ada asasnya.kita bangga dgn ko :-)

nurul said...

yahoo...aku ade geng dpt APC..
congrats anis...you deserves it..

lau tu prinsip ko....aku respect...and for me...im still me...still believes what is good for me...and i have you to give me spirit and advices when i want it so much....