Tuesday, July 22, 2008 Edit This 2 Comments »
When i read nurul's entry, i felt some kind of fu thinking that i just love shopping...can't help...and now i'm a bit brand concious...hehe...why? to me, after a few years studying, getting the job and all the hard ork at d work place with my very own money and the most important thing is that now i can save some money because i still styaing with my mom, free car, dont have to pay for the, when the times come to pay for other expenses, then i'll start reducing my passion...
let's get back to the meaning of brand n what is it for..yeah...self satisfaction..that the most important...lau kita nak show off pun tp org x kenal brand nak watpe...lgpun why do we have to show off...? now my favourite brand for handbag is Braun Buffel...but my budget will always be RM600 below..not the time yet to purchase a handbag that is more expensive than that...why Braun Buffel? simply because no one in my school use that brand..carlo rino dah ramai sangat...for now, i only hv 2..hope by the end of this year i can buy another passion is shoes...haha...the most expensive are clarks n guess...
yang lain2 biasa je...and i'm wearing d designers' brand jeans...haha..u can get it from me guys...
i thot that i'm a spendthrift..but there's someone who's worse than least i can still be rationalin spending my money so at the end of the month i wont burst out this phrase 'i'm broke!' fren..quite close...she a real band concious...she bhot a stroller that cost her rm1k++..., 2 car seats rm600++...feeding bottle to say?
refering to suzie's entry...dont care what people say of what u own n what u wear...that's ur money...sama la kat my school..everytime i wear new shoes, there are people will ask n will stare n...same goes when i wear new bila dah selalu pakai yang baru n branded n mahal..orang dah x larat tanya...sometimes i said my hubby bg..eventhough bukan dia yang of my chinese colleague said that i'm fashionable and different than others..even d students said that, "to know madam anis is to look at her shoes"..haha...some people bukan x mampu, tapi xmau buka minda membaca n browse through mags n etc...bila orang pakai pelik ckt..mulalah..belu lagi pasal pakaian anak..they ask me whta milk does hasiz drink..i said enfagrow..they will kid it's ok...four or five kids...? suka hati akulah anak aku..of course i want to gv d best that i could afford...erhhh....kalau nak ikut n dgr all those comments...memang le it be..pleased one can please u except me n u'll b happy...


Suzie said...

yeah that's definitely TRUE!!!kita dah malas nak pk.sibuk je kan??citarasa masing2 yg penting kita puas hati n bkn guna duit dorg pun.ko mmg cool n trendy la :-) ..hehe..

nurul said...

aku pun agree...keje la masa nk manjakan diri kita....lagipun kita beli ape yg kita mampu....diorg sibuk coz diorg jeles...kita pun xde intention nk menunjuk dh mmg kita pakai brg2 camtu ye x...???
so far mmg kita stylish, trendy and vogue..whats wrong of looking damn gorgeous like that...right???