aku juga bernasib baik

Thursday, September 11, 2008 Edit This 1 Comment »
Yeah...aku juga bernasib baik...bukan kerana aku melihat orang yang tidak mampu berbelanja seperti aku...tapi, ada orang yang mampu berbelanja, ada wang dan pendapatan sendiri tetapi dikontrol oleh suami...itu yang membuatkan aku bersyukur menjadi aku dah berkahwin dengan hubby aku..so far, dia x pernah control apa yg aku nak beli dgn duit aku...sometimes, i feel pity or uneasy when some of my colleagues said that they have to ask their hubby's permission before buying something...we have our own money from our hardwork, why the expenses to pamper ourselves should be controlled? unless we depend every single cent from our hubby. then, that is right to ask permission because he's d one who supports us...but, when u receive ur own salary but yet every time u wanna buy something, u have to have 'sweet talks' to ur hubby...this is unfair...they can buy anything they want and that cannot be questioned.... maybe these women are GOOD wives or ISTERI MISALI...thank God that my hubby is not that type of person...he never question me n i dont have to ask his permission because he will say..."that's ur money" n he knows eventhough i'm a shopaholic or spendthrift, i can manage my money...but sometimes, he will feel grateful if i cancel whatever i've planned to buy...n the thing that i appreciate most, he himself will take me to d malls asking me if there's anything i wanna buy...thank you my dear hubby for understanding me...


nurul said...

tq to our hubby coz very understanding interms of finacial managements...
toya pun xpenah tanya pasal duit gaji aku nk beli ape coz die tau aku leh manage duit aku sendiri...
aku pun xkeberatan lau nk bantu die dari ape2 segi coz sape lagi nk tlg lau bukan kita...bukan bermakna kita ade duit gaji kita sendiri,kita xleh tolong hubby kita...melampau la tu kan...
ape pun yg penting kita tau ape responsibilities kita as hubby and wife

to be a good wife is not only to get permission from hubby, there are a lot of things that could be done to achieve the title of "isteri mithali"
mudah2an wpun perangai kita camni, maybe kita pun boleh dikategorikan sebagai isteri mithali...amin...