What so great about being SBP students?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008 Edit This 6 Comments »
this entry is to make some people aware that SBP students nowadays are not as great as they think. yeah, SBP studenst used to be great in those days...but now, they are not really great actually...ater being in sbp for 5 years i know the scenario...maybe they are goood in some subjects, but definitely not english...their english is terrible...if the pmr or spm result is announced, it is hard to see sbp on the top 3 list appeared on tv screen during the news as it used to be.
in the beginning, i was nerveous to be posted to one of d sbps...however, after few months of teaching, i realized that not all sbp are d same...premier sbps like mckk, ssp, sas, star, tkc, stf might be different because those who are offered there are the creme of the creme...and the mild ones are offered to sekolah sains...the policies or d regulations of entering sbp now is not really strict...it is because some of the students offred there are based on their parents salary...low income family...they will be offered as d projek khas students where they will get everything for FREE! for form one students who get 5a's in UPSR can apply and will get the offer. but, 5a's in UPSR is not d measurement to perform better in PMR...and 8a's in PMR doesn't mean that they can get 10a1 in SPM...this year, 35 of my form students FAIL their english! i was so upset...
these students have the mindset that form 4 is the honeymoon year! they think they are in the confort zone already...and also there are some teacher will put the stress on science subjects more than english...other than that, students nowadays are ignorant! they dont read a lot. that is why they cant write good essay. try to imagine that science school students didn't know what is manufacturing plant? cant differentiate between AIDS and HIV...dont know how is AIDS transmitted...can explain herbal supplement..do not know what is fatigue...and lots more which i think they should know as general knowledge.
actually i'm upset with this. it is because they are our future generations...they are in d same race with me..MELAYU...memang layu lah...they hardly speak english in class...in their essay, grammatical errors are everywhere...some of them cant write even a simple sentence correctly and lots more...wy this happen? other than being ignorant and dont read a lot, they dont have the spriirt to compete...they juz compete among d same race...while i was in school, they were indians, chinese, siamese and punjabs..we spoke in englsih...but some malay students would say, anis is juz showing off...thats the attitude..but i dont care...that is what happens in science school...if i wanna tell my dissatisfaction bout this matter, this entry will be very long...juz enuff for some of my frens to know that not all sbp students can be proud of...it is juz 1 thing that makes me stay in sbp despite of the hectic schedule...it is the students attitude which is not so bad compared to daily schools students...they are not that rude and not really rebellious...n being a teacher nowadays is very challenging...we need to have lots of knowledge to educate our students...


Suzie said...

have u ever heard the word 'terjal'?that's the best word to describe my students although not all of them are behaving like that.at least u r lucky for not having/facing the students' bad atitude.
i'm proud bcoz my fiance used to be in one of premier boarding schools (STAR,Ipoh) *wink*..hehe..tp alahai skema dia tak hilang sampai skrg..haha..

nurul said...

bad attitude???
same goes to my students...nowadays it is hard to hear they praise salam to us as a teacher...they are not rescpect us as a teacher...
lack of sivic minded....

what went wrong...?teachers nowadayas are not only teaching but they have to nurture the right behaviour so that they will become a fine human being in the future...pray hard that one day this scenario will change...

airieyna said...

well same goes to me.. i think all of are facing with da same dilemma...my students level of english sgt poor..but who to blame. i blame themselves for not having effort to do something about their weeknesses.they have problem with the language n they stop trying to improve. they understand the language but to gv a very good respond :(...(aku wat muka mamat dlm iklan u-mobile yg teh tarik setengah gelas)..the solution ...i try my best to equip them with the knowledge n make them love the language...but to be excellence i dont think so...

mjcelica said...

erm.. creme of creme? maby that's wat people used to think...
those schools are well known for ages..they also have dark ages...like other SBPs...
Every students have their own potential..smart student is a bless, but more important a hardworking student...How to instill and install hardworking in every student?
i remembered those days, when my english teacher taught my friends and me ..."Spend at least 10 minutes to read The Star and NST everyday, like u read Al-Quran and make sure u learn at least a new word"..that was what she said. when she entered a class, she will talk always..asking question about general knowledge, and student will answer in english..then 10 minutes towards the end, she will give a task like an essay to be submitted the next day..then the next class she will discuss about the essay...at the end of the day, we've got the As....cheers
Whom to blame, to be blamed, about to blamed, have been blamed, have been blaming or being blamed,blaming...etc..to correct and improve about this matter is more important...

Unknown said...

I just thought that this post was ironic since you're a teacher yet you speak about your students in such a negative, condescending tone. I feel if a teacher wants to see their students shine they should be highlighting the strengths in their students (not rant about weaknesses) and then be able to convince their students to polish those strengths and humbly guide them towards improvement. Once you start complaining, you will slowly convince yourself of all the negative traits you see in your students.

I also have to say that there are plenty of grammatical mistakes in your entry yet you complain endlessly that your students have poor English skills. Be positive, be encouraging, be humble and guide them with a sincere heart.

Only then will you see your students picking themselves up inshaAllah.

Unknown said...
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