am i an individualistic?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008 Edit This 2 Comments »
yes! definitely! siang td suzie msg aku saying that i'm very honest to admit that i'm an individualistic person. why should i be a hypocrite? to me it is better to be honest than to hide ur true colors...coz no matter how deep u hide it, one day, people will know, ot is better to be honest...yeah...i'm an individualistic..or in other way, i'm selfish...tapi sekarang selfih aku bertempat lah...x macam dulu...why i'm behavin like this? it is because i believe that i'm precious, so i need to protect myself, my feelings, my pride n my one can do that for me, except me..myself...if we r too soft or too fragile, people will easily take advantage on us...even our own relatives...observing what is happening to my family, i have to be individulaistic! i have to be selfish! i have to protect myself! that is among family..what more with other people...we can't simply let other people rule us...ble dah bekerja ni lagilah ramai manusia kita jumpa..a first i thot i will turn down my selfishness...but, after i faced sum annoying people, i dont think i can change myself...people will take advantage...people will manipulate u...buat baik pun org anggap, better be urself...
suzie also asked me, do i care if don have frens in my school? i said i have many collegues...but i dont have many frens n i dont mind bout that...sumtime, terlalu nak berkawan pun wat kita pening kepala...nak layan borak, padahal kerja banyak...memang there r sum teachers will always ask me questions like.."makan sorang je ke?"..."mana kawan?" n many more...bla aku rapat dgn si ida tu, ada jugak yg x senang...entahlah...bila ramai kawan pun payah...especially species tudung labuh...suka tegur pasal pakaian...tapi aku wat dek je...lama2 dah x larat nak tegur...lgpun i dont mind not having so many frens coz to me quantity of frens is not important, but quality that i do care...i only have a few frens...but each of them is very valuable to me...i dont have to mention who they r coz i know, they know...n...each of them has their own uniqueness...


nurul said...

ko mmg individualistic...
sbb tu ko unique... and somehow aku admire ko....ko leh stand up on your own..wpun badan ko kecik...

aku ni harap je bdn beso tp aku xsampai ati nk kecikkkan ati org org lain senang je nk kecikkan ati aku...

tp skang aku dh mula sikit ikut perangai ko...akhirnye...aku seneng ati sikit...keje aku siap and aku xmenanggung keje org lain..

tq coz ajar aku sume ni...

Suzie said...

one phrase - bravo anis!!tak sangka ko buat entry ni lps kita tnya soalan2 tu tp mcm yg ko explain kat kita dlm sms tu,it's accepted sbb ko tau apa yg ko buat.

kalo kita lbh pada be natural.wpun dua pihak bergaduh tp kita still leh masuk dua2 group ni.prinsipnya wpun satu pihak kutuk tp kita dgr without sampaikan apa yg dikutuk n sama mcm satu pihak lg.yg penting jgn jadi batu api.sbb dua2 pihak ni bkn bg mslh kat kita so kita ignore...sbb tu kita suka cari kwn dari cari musuh.

good that u can BE ABSOLUTELY YOU!show ur true color ;) lg baik dari berpura2.